sult by knut hamsun & henning carlsen, 1966

Skærmbillede 2015-05-04 kl. 12.38.44

An extrodinay script as well as the photography, acting and music is all combined in this pearl. It is a movie blockbuster from scandinavien and I must say how proud I am to be in a country that is making movies so dark but yet so beautiful. I especially love the script that is written by Knut Hamsun. He really has been taking every aspects of a writers poetic life and given us a character that has dingy, weirdness and love.

The movie has done a great job by getting this great actor to be playning the writer. He deliver this part very authenic and even that he meets several beatings and defeats he still remains his dignity. There is especially in one scene where he finally get some money to buy some food, but because the salesman has made a mistake with the change the writer gets a bad conscience and go tell the man the mistake, but before that he gives the money to a poor lady sitting on the street selling bread.

The essence in the story as well as the beauty is definitely that the main character is struggling but he always thinks of others before him self. He still acts like a gentleman in all the way but not in a snobbish kind of way. No, a man with a good heart and soul.

HUNGER as the title is in english is a beauty among other great films but it should definitely be seen by everyone. Especially in a time that we are living in now, we could learn something from this great character. NUMBER 1 movie, so far!

Skærmbillede 2015-05-04 kl. 12.37.31

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