matka Joanna od aniolów by Jerzy kawalerowicz, 1961

Skærmbillede 2015-05-04 kl. 13.01.43 Skærmbillede 2015-05-04 kl. 13.02.02

My first polish movie and I must say it did freak me out i bit. Not because it was bad but it was very far from my taste. It did have great acting and the sounds was making it very scary.

It is about  a woman who seemed to be possessed by the Devil and all the priests try to scare it out of the a non’s body. The None who is possessed is bringing the character to another level. She is innocent but as the sametime she has to act as someone is possessed and she is during it amazing. A true art of action.

The movie genre is horror and drama and yes, I agree with that. It is not a movie that we usually see from Hollywood and their attempt to making horror movies, no, I believe this is a better definition on what a horror should be like. You are not meeting the characters with fears and biting your nails but meet them with curiosity and excitements and because of their acting the movie gets not boring at all.

But as mentioned, it is not for every taste, but a worth seeing.

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